Folk tale illustrations by Alvaro Tapia

This is great illustrations by the very talented Alvaro Tapia! I just discovered him and fell in love with his fairytale style with nordic creatures and symbols. These are from a book with swedish folktales, called “Svenska Folksagor”, re-written by Birgitta Hellsing.  I had to buy the book just to have the drawings.

Alvaro Tapia illustration boken Svenska folksagor
Alvaro Tapia boken Svenska folksagor illustratör

He has also illustrated “Jorges Bestiarium”, Trudvang and more from the Dragons and demons. More about Alvaro Tapia here.

Alvaro Tapia illustrationer bok Svenska folksagor

Google tells me has also done the swedish covers for the books about Harry Potter!

Svenska folksagor återberättade av Birgitta Hellsing

Lena Svalfors Hedin
Hi! My name is Lena and I love creative and beautiful things in life. Sometimes it inspires me to photograph and write something about it, hopefully you can enjoy it too. I have previously been freelancing as an illustrator, now I have a day job focused on communication, web development and graphic design for print and web.
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